In this episode, how might we challenge the silence that prevails in relation to social justice issues in Education? Our guest, Greg Michie also has insights on truly seeing our students and teaching a #BlackLivesMatter curriculum.
Show Guest – Greg Michie
Greg Michie
Greg is a year 7 and 8 social studies teacher in Chicago, USA. He has taught for 25 years in public education – in the K to 12 setting and in teacher education.
Episode Summary
In this episode, speaking up as White Educators and challenging the silence on issues of social justice – online – and in our schools.
We’re also chatting about truly seeing our students & teaching a #BlackLivesMatter curriculum.
And in the Lightning Round, we’re pushing the edges of visibility, democratic ideals, bias and indoctrination.
Episode Run-Down
▪ How Greg pushes the edge for social justice (1:21)
▪ How we can keep social justice at the forefront of our teaching? (1:41)
▪ Why step outside what’s familiar and comfortable to us as teachers (3:54)
▪ Why step outside the norm of silence about race, gender and sexuality in education (5:29)
▪ Challenging the silence – Centering issues of social justice in schools and online (9:09)
▪ How we can step up for social justice on Twitter? (12:26)
▪ Talking about access and equity in Tech Twitter Chats (16:05)
▪ Ending white silence: What can we do as white educators? (18:53)
▪ Truly seeing our students: A powerful moment in Greg’s classroom (26:41)
▪ Teaching a #BlackLivesMatter Curriculum (30:12)
▪ Why speaking up is important – even if you think it doesn’t affect your community (37:50)
▪ Feeling afraid of speaking up – what you can do (40:50)
▪ The Lightning Round – indoctrination, visibility, urban, cultural proficiency, student centered, unconscious and unexamined bias, democratic ideal (42:41)
Ending White Silence- Related Posts
- Not Being an Outsider by @GregBCurran
- Tips for Ending White Privilege in Twitter Chats by @GregBCurran
- Stand with Us for Social Justice in Education by @GregBCurran
- What White Educators can learn from Pittsburgh’s Police Chief by Greg Michie
- Amy Winehouse, Allen Iverson and The Importance of Seeing our Students by Greg Michie
Ending White Silence – Episode Links
- CONNECT WITH Greg Michie on Twitter
- What is White Privilege?
- Ferguson (Gun-related violence and policing in the USA)
- Teaching about Ferguson (Class-resources)
- Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Jonathan Ferrell, John Crawford III, Walter Scott, Laquan McDonald
- Beverly Daniel Tatum
- Educolor Website