Real Educators; Real Inspiration – PensiveM
I have just listened to two episodes of Pushing The Edge and I am keen to hear more. The format is simple, the content = motivating and the educators Greg interviews are passionate, dedicated and, most importantly real. Better than a cup of coffee for a buzz.
What’s My Edge – WhoSankTheBoat
I think what I like about Greg’s podcast is the easy conversational style, the down to earth people and how what is spoken about relates to me. It’s reflective food that encourages me to question myself gently and without external judgements. What are the edges I have that could be pushed out a bit; developed. Short, sharp and punchy! Well done Greg, I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more.
Awesome Show – Jasper Fox Sr
Very entertaining and interesting program! Relevant and timely topics with fascinating guests. Must listen to if you are into educational podcasts!
Weirdness – Melsa77
I just came across Pushing the Edge by Greg Curran and listened because I know Doug Robertson (well through Twitter). It was a quick but powerful podcast that was enjoyable even for my husband who’s not an educator. I will definitely listen to more as I have subscribed. Thank you!
Inspire Your Colleagues – Tom Tramaglini
Greg Curran’s presence on Twitter an in the educational profession is growing day by day. Greg begins to really build an inspirational body of work with a breadth of precise content targeting the improvement of teaching and learning. His podcasts have great ideas and always lead to next steps worth taking. The context of the content he provides through interviews and discussion connect well to many current themes in education in any nation. This content is appropriate for anyone who wants to grow professionally as an educator.
A Good Listen – Brette L
An enjoyable listen on my daily commute, Greg Curran has produced a thought-provoking podcast on educational issues in a very accessible format. The guests in each episode challenge us to rethink schooling, and to identify what really matters. In the first few episodes the threads of well-being and innovation are coming through. More episodes please!
Maestro David Garcia – SuperRhino
Great to hear refreshing teacher voices about being connected on social media! Great work Greg! Rachael, thank you for sharing your insights on pushing past your Comfort Zone! Really enjoyed it!
Great Advice and So Inspiring – Proud Praccie
Great to hear some tips and life experiences from educators that love what they do. Teaching has come a long way from when I was at school and so have the teachers, their passion and enthusiasm is part of the reason I wanted to embark on my journey.
Wow! A+ all the Way!!! – Bmkberr
Well done! You have created an amazing resource here for educators! Really looking forward to future podcasts. Very glad I saw your link to this on Twitter!
Powerful PD for Free – Weaverteaches
It is clear that Greg has worked tirelessly to create an amazing resource for educators across the globe. This is a fabulous podcast sharing the lived experiences of passionate and innovative teachers. Hearing these stories is both uplifting and engaging. I am a big fan of the 15 time frame that allows me to listen while I drive to work and arrive ready to tackle the day. It is so good to hear how experienced teachers put themselves first so they can thrive and remove the limitations so often found in the life of a teacher. I look forward to future podcasts.
Prof – Rusul Alrubail
It’s fabulous! I really like that Erin discussed the idea of privilege & searching outside that comfort zone. All it takes is for us to get too comfortable in our position to not care about others. Greg has an excellent tone/style for a podcast which makes it every easy and inviting to listen to.
Great Way to Keep our Enthusiasm – Travis Phelps
Most teachers find times in their careers when they lose some energy or steam. The day to day difficulties and stresses make us all tired, and it can become easy to lose sight of our original desire to make a difference. This show counteracts this. Greg Curran’s interviews with passionate and dedicated teachers inspire us to remember why went into education, and to keep our focus on passion and enthusiasm. Listening to amazing teachers like Samantha Bates and Erin Stevenson make us realize that we can always do more and that it is up to us to make education meaningful. I highly recommend this podcast.
Awesome – SJ12yaaaaY
We need more disruptive conversations in the education world. Kudos to Greg for this. Look forward to hearing more.
Passionate and Energizing – Ashley Zatt
Pushing the Edge has helped remind me why I chose one of the hardest, under appreciated jobs someone could choose. It encourages educators to push themselves past that ‘survival mode’ and into ‘thrive mode’ allowing both teachers & students to reach beyond their wildest expectations. The passion in these educators’ voices is energizing and inspiring. A podcast that won’t disappoint!
Thought Provoking, Smart, Engaging: A Must Listen for Teachers & Educators – MrsStevensonSS
I loved Pushing the Edge Podcasts, and not just because I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Greg! His podcast is well developed, smart, fun, creative and engaging to the listener. – for both educators and non-educators alike. I loved learning more about and hearing the insights of the interviewees and enjoyed Greg’s style of questions. I can’t wait to hear the next few podcasts that Greg and the interview subjects put forward soon!
Great Insights – Ritu Sehji
I have heard the first two episodes…Erin and Sam provide great insights into their backgrounds and upbringing and the impact it has on who they are as individuals and as mentors. I like Erin’s analogy “we can’t save all these children so let’s teach them how to swim.”
It’s clear that her driving factors are what makes us different and similar, what makes us ‘other’, what makes us like or dislike other cultures, along with fairness and equity. Her perspective on how to teach students to thrive by allowing them to ask questions is valuable. Asking why? Would it make better sense if it was done this way? What can I do?
I can so relate to Sam Bates and what she has to say about Twitter as a powerful connecting and learning tool for professional growth and development. And although I have not been to an Edcamp I can very well imagine the benefits considering I have learnt so much just by connecting with my Personal Learning Network (PLN) online.
The Lightning Round had me prompting my own answers. I have to say that I was listening to the podcast so intensely and with so much concentration that at one point I could hear a phone vibrating in the background [Ed Note: Yes that was Sam’s phone ;)]
A ‘Must-Listen’ for all Educators – Inspiring Teachers to Thrive One Interview at a Time – Rachael Lehr
“If you feel like you can do something, you should…” A fabulous podcast discussing how passionate and innovative teachers are making a difference and effecting change. So great to hear how teachers ensure they thrive by taking care of themselves, by connecting with like-minded teachers around the world and how they maintain their passion and enthusiasm for teaching.
Outside Your Comfort Zone – Kim Buenger
Greg Curran makes you consider other ways to approach and think about some of the most pressing issues in our society today. As an Educator I feel that Mr Curran will make you step outside of your comfort zone and reflect upon the thoughts and actions that affect your students daily.
Great Teaching Podcast – Alice Elwell
I just listened to the first two episodes and I’m loving it so far. The bite-sized length was perfect to listen to while I was cooking dinner and I found the stories inspiring and relevant. Can’t wait to hear more!
Inspiring for All Educators – Vic122808
This podcast is worth every minute of listening!!! Greg has created a podcast that has broken down that “box”. I wholeheartedly recommend this podcast!
A Teacher’s Treasure Chest – EllenKanga
Greg understands the heart and soul of a teacher, and his podcast gives great advice in a concise and inspiring format. Share this with your colleagues.
Inspiring Educators – KazPhi
A fabulous podcast which shares ideas and strategies for teachers who want to ‘thrive’. I have thoroughly enjoyed the first couple of podcasts – affirmed my actions in the classroom and supported the choices I make to encourage my students. Great to hear this from other educators who are inspiring and want to make a change. Looking forward to further podcasts.
Just Pure Awesome – TritonKory
…I am not a regular podcast listener but Greg’s podcasts have changed my ways and I look forward to listening to more. I especially enjoy the Speed Rounds (Lightning Round) at the end of each podcast. Fun to hear each educator think quick on their feet. These podcasts inspire me to Push the Edge each and every day as an educator myself. So very glad I took the time to listen
Thriving – @Borto74
I think this innovation by Greg Curran is an effective way to engage educators in dialogue regarding contemporary issues. The format of the podcast allows for targeted questions to be answered by guests in a streamlined manner. The accessibility…means that people can access the discussions via their mobile device. I listened in the car via Bluetooth. Great work Greg and the other guests. I enjoyed listening to your thoughts.
Brings a Voice to the Tweet – Legoyoego
Greg does a great job with the interview and production. The 16 minutes moves fast and the questions are engaging. The BEST part for me is getting to hear the personalities of these great people that I interact with on Twitter. Keep up the great job Greg!
Inspiring Ideas and Tips for Passionate Teachers – ThinkingAdventure
I really enjoy the inspiring stories and practical tips from teachers who are obviously excited about improving the education experience for teachers as well as students.
Amazing Way to Grow Your Practice – Laurali7987
Greg Curran’s relevant and well paced interviews really hit a high note with me. As an author who visits many schools and speaks to many students and teachers I see the same themes and questions. Greg hits them all! With thoughtful interviews that shed light on changes occurring in education around the world this series is a must for any teacher striving to be better at what they do.
Sharing to Thrive – Moes.knows
Greg is putting together a valuable resource for teachers who are wanting to take a proactive step in improving their practice by learning from others. Cheers Greg. Look forward to hearing from more amazing educators.
An Outstanding Foray Pushing the Edge of Pedagogy – John Wick
Greg has created a podcast to which I have actually subscribed! Wow! I don’t subscribe or listen to podcasts, however his topics re relevant and his manner/cadence are completely approachable…If you’re interested in Pushing the Edge, if you’re interested in hearing innovative conversations, then this is the podcast for you. Revolutionize your pedagogy and expand your horizons by subscribing to this podcast.